Better health outcomes and a greater research capacity
The DELIVER research program is supported by a Commonwealth funded MRFF Rapid Applied Research Translation Grant (RARUR000072).
The DELIVER program team involves 23 Chief Investigators and a number of new roles, hired through the grant funding. This team will work closely with the DELIVER health services, WVPHN and Western Alliance to develop the activities required to meet the DELIVER aims and evaluate its progress.
The DELIVER program of activities is structured around five key Working Groups that report to the Investigator Leadership Committee. The Project Delivery Team provides on-going support to all the Working Groups.
The Advisory Committee provides expertise of DELIVER Program partners to guide and inform Program activity. This Committee aligns closely with the operation of the Investigator Leadership Committee.
A sub-committee of the Western Alliance Board provides governance oversight. The DELIVER Advisory Group includes representation from local, state and national bodies such as:
- The National Ageing Research Institute
- Consumers Health Forum of Australia
- Victorian Department of Health
- Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
- Monash Partners
- University of Melbourne
- Federation University