

DELIVER is committed to the rapid translation of research findings and evidence into improvements in healthcare.

Through rapid evidence summaries, events and peer-reviewed publications, DELIVER informs and empowers health services with the latest evidence they need to improve home-based healthcare and build their research capacity.

How is DELIVER working with health services? Click here for an overview.

Who is working with DELIVER in my region? Click here to find out.


Rapid Evidence Summaries

Rapid Evidence Summaries provide concise summaries of the best available research evidence to answer a focussed question based on immediate clinical or health service needs.

Rapid Evidence Summaries involve collaborating with key stakeholders to ensure the relevance and applicability of the synthesised research evidence. Through a structured and iterative search process with clearly defined inclusion / exclusion criteria, key studies of the highest quality and level of evidence available are identified. Data from these studies are tabulated and narratively synthesised, and preliminary results presented to stakeholders prior to finalisation of a written report.

  • Telehealth geriatrician consultations in home-based care by Alison Buccheri and Michele Conlin, DELIVER Research Translation Coordinators. Read here.
  • Residential-in-Reach Programs for Aged Care Facilities by Dr Debbie Pu, Research Fellow, Monash University and Michele Conlin, DELIVER Research Translation Coordinator, East Grampians Health Service. Read more.



Virtual Care in the Loddon Mallee

  • Presented by Prof Marc Budge, Geriatrician and Clinical Director of Integrated Care Services at Bendigo Health and and Katrina Neave, Manager, Loddon Mallee Virtual Care Office.
  • Watch a recording of the webinar here.

Supporting clinician-led research in regional settings: manager and clinician perspectives

  • Engaging in research – an emerging clinician-researcher’s perspective: Jai Harvey, Exercise Physiologist, Grampians Health
  • Enabling clinician-led research – a senior manager’s perspective: Georgie Kemp, Director Allied Health & Ambulatory Care, Grampians Health
  • Watch a recording of the webinar here.

Embedding Virtual in Regional Care

  • Presented by Dr Shannon Nott, Rural Health Director of Medical Services, Western NSW Local Health District
  • Watch a recording of the webinar here. Passcode ?26PqLsZ

Learning and outcomes from co-design –the right to rehabilitation for people with dementia

  • Presented by A/Prof Michele Callisaya, Senior Research Fellow, Monash University & DELIVER Chief Investigator
  • Watch a recording of the webinar here. Passcode yGp$XSA4

Victoria’s Virtual care programs, Framework and Strategy

  • Featuring Chetna Soni and Amelia Matlock, Victorian Department of Health and Dr Olivia Metcalf, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Digital Transformation of Health
  • Watch a recording of the webinar here. Passcode QkN=NwV6


Peer-reviewed publications by DELIVER researchers and partners

Tools and frameworks for evaluating the implementation of learning health systems: a scoping review. Rajit, D., Reeder, S., Johnson, A. Enticott and Teede. Health Research Policy and Systems. 22, 95 (2024).

Barriers, Benefits, and Enablers of Acute Home-Based Care (Hospital In The Home) in Australia for Older People: A Systematic Review. Bransgrove, N. Porter, J.E. Peck, B. and Bishop, J. Home Health Care Management & Practice. 2024;0(0).

Models and approaches for building research translation capacity and capability in health services: a systematic scoping review. Olivia King et al. Implementation Science 19, 7 (2024).

Research translation mentoring for emerging clinician researchers in rural and regional health settings: a qualitative study. Olivia King et al. BMC Medical Education 23, 817 (2023).

Enhancing healthcare at home for older people in rural and regional Australia: a protocol for co-creation to design and implement system change. Cindy Needham et al. PLOS ONE Sept (2023).


Additional Resources

Click here to read Dr Olivia King’s article in Rural Health Pro about the importance of mentors in building research capability in rural health.

Click here to read The Deeble Institute’s Perspective Brief, “Translating policy into practice by engaging older persons and their carers as co-researchers” by Dr Hannah Beks.