Webinar topic: Embedding Virtual in Regional Care
Presented by Dr Shannon Nott MBBS, MHM, MPH, CF
Rural Health Director of Medical Services | Western NSW Local Health District
Retrieval and Primary Care Medical Officer | Royal Flying Doctors Service
Medical Advisor – Virtual Care, Strategic Reform and Planning Branch | NSW Ministry of Health Chair, Virtual Care Community of Practice | NSW Health Medical Advisor | NSW Rural Doctors Network
Through his work with Western NSW LHD, Dr Shannon Nott led the implementation of the region’s vCare critical care hub, a 24/7 virtual support and logistics centre designed to assist rural and remote communities. Shannon has also led the creation of Australia’s first Virtual Rural Generalist Service as well as the development of a Virtual Clinical Pharmacy Service for rural communities. Most recently, Shannon has been Chief Investigator for the Translational Research Grant: “A stepped wedge trial of efficacy and scalability of a virtual clinical pharmacy service (VCPS) in rural and remote NSW health facilities,” as well as the COVID-19 Research Grant: “Evaluation of the Virtual Rural Generalist Service.”
To watch a recording of Dr Nott’s webinar, please click here. Passcode ?26PqLsZ