Congratulations to these DELIVER team members for their recent publications: Laura Alston and Vin Versace: Place-based research in small rural hospitals: an overlooked opportunity for action to reduce health inequities in Australia? The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, Volume...
News and publications
Publication update
Read MoreJob opportunities: DELIVER Research Fellow roles
Read MoreThe new DELIVER Project is currently recruiting Research Fellows. Two roles are available, for Implementation Scientists and Health Economists. Both Research Fellow roles have a flexible location, and are level B, part-time (0.5 FTE) and fixed term for 2 years....
Job opportunity: DELIVER Research Translation Coordinator
Read MoreWe are delighted to announce an exciting new opportunity for the role of DELIVER Research Translation Coordinator. The role will be funded as part of the MRFF (Medical Research Future Fund) DELIVER project, and the successful candidate/s will be employed...
Western Alliance awarded $9 million research project grant
Read MoreHealthcare for older people living in rural and regional western Victoria could look very different within five years, thanks to a new $9 million research project funded through the Federal Government Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). Led by Western Alliance,...